How many times in your life have you been told, "You are too sensitive!"?

If your journey has been anything similar to ours, you probably lost count long ago. Yet, the sting of that phrase still remains and you may question if there is something wrong with you.

Why am I so shy? Why do gatherings give me social anxiety? Why do I keep getting labelled as too emotional? Aren't emotions healthy?? What's wrong with me?

Well, we are here to tell you...there is nothing wrong with you and it is perfectly normal to feel this way. As a matter of fact, we both felt this way until we discovered that we are Empaths.

There was a reason we...

  • were feeling everything so heavily.
  • would internalize other people's fears, upsets, and pain.
  • could feel such love for people & humanity, yet also feel different & reluctant to participate in gatherings.
  • could sense what other people needed, even if they didn't.

There was a reason...

and that reason is we are Emapths.

It brought such relief to find out that we weren't alone in these experiences, and that we could work with these abilities rather than run away, hide and not be accepting of our selves.

The labels are wrong, not you!

We have learned techniques and tools that help us to live a more liberating life, and we want to share them with YOU!

This is why we are here, and why you are here!

You've grown tired and weary of wondering if the way you are feeling is your fault. You've wracked your brain thinking, if only I wasn't so sensitive and could be like others. Why do the things people say affect me so much? So many questions, and so many moments utilized shaming yourself. This is a rough road to walk down, alone.

Now, you do not have to. You can now have a support team, made of Empaths who completely understand what you are experiencing.

This is why we have created Break Free Empaths.

  • This course has been designed to assist the newly identified Empath in establishing a firm foundation as what it is to be an Empath.

  • How you can work with your Empath abilities to create a clearer perception of who you are.

  • And, how you can show up in the world as an empowered Empath!

Empaths need tools! Just simply knowing that you are an Empath can provide a huge relief, yet daily tools are necessary to keep you aligned with the truth of who you are. With tools that work for Emapths, YOU can claim a life that is more balanced and peaceful.

With the right tools you can take every label that has been placed on you, and transform them into badges that proclaim your superpowers!

Worksheets & Guides

Integrate the Break Free Empaths course materials and videos with the help of worksheets and journal guides.


Gain access to meditations and techniques that help you to ground your energy, remove discord, and call your power back!


Share in the experience of becoming a stronger, more balanced, and aligned Empath with fellow Empaths in the FB Group.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Is this you...? --->>

Then this course is EXACTLY what you NEED!

A course made for Empaths by Empaths.

Find your path to Empowerment and begin Breaking Free with us!